Monday, December 30, 2019

Erik Erikson s Theory Of Psychological Development

Erik Erikson has been classified as one of the greatest and most influential psychoanalysts of all time. His theory is one of the best known theories of psychological development. Erikson’s theory talks about how personalities develop over different stages of life, compared to Sigmund Freud’s theory of psychosexual stages of life (Sharkey, 1997). One of the greatest reasons why Erikson was interested in psychology was because of things that happened in his early life. Erikson learned a lot from just looking back on his life and I think that if everyone was to look back on their life, they would be able to see all of the 8 stages that Erikson developed in their lives as well. The first stage of Erikson’s theory happens from birth to about 1 year old. This stage is known as what Erikson believed to be the most important stage. In this stage it tests trust vs. mistrust. This means that a baby can tell if they can trust someone from the way they are treated within th e first year. Infants are trying to figure out if the world is a safe place to be in this stage. If a baby is well taken care of and receives constant and reliable care they will feel like they can trust. This can affect them in all of their relationships in life. This stage of life will help a child develop the virtue of hope. If an infant is not cared for they will have mistrust in the world that they live in and throughout life they may not have true relationships (Mcload, 2008). I agree with Erikson that thisShow MoreRelatedErik Erikson s Stages Of Development1608 Words   |  7 PagesThe Psychosocial Development The View on Erik H. Erikson s Stages of Development Frank Phan Cosumnes River College Psychology 300 Abstract This paper will touch over the aspects of Erik H Erickson s eight stages and how they affect everyday lives from infancy to adulthood. The paper will go over the approximate ages and the psychosocial crisis that they will eventually come to. 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There are set of conflict at each stage, which allows individual to developRead MoreThe Eight Crisis Stages Of Erik Erikson Development Theory1456 Words   |  6 PagesA theory is defined by an interrelated, coherent set of ideas that help to explain phenomena and facilitate predictions. With development the series of age-related changes that happen over the course of a life span which theorist observe these developments as a series of stages during which individuals displays qualities of behavior patterns. There are five theoretical orientation to development such as psychoanalytic, cognitive, behavioral and social cognitive, ethological, and ecologicalRead MoreTheories And Theory Of Psychosocial Development Essay1255 Words   |  6 Pages 1 Theories Theorist Tiffany Leaf Walden University Dr. Thomas Russo RSCH – 61007-6 Research Theory Life is full of many experiences and challenges which help individuals to grow and become better people. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Effectiveness Of The Observed Classroom Management Strategies

Name: Professor: Course: Date: Reflective Narrative Responses The Effectiveness of the Observed Classroom Management Strategies Classroom management plays a crucial role in shaping a student’s performance in class. As a result, a teacher’s role is ensuring a conducive learning environment for all students. Teachers must put their best foot forward in ensuring they develop this invaluable skill which can only be learnt through continuous practice in the classroom. Generally, teachers are expected to manage their classrooms during the lessons. They are expected to arrange the classrooms (students), clearly outline the class rules before the start of a lesson, command behavior expectations, outline lesson goals as well as move around the†¦show more content†¦Alternatively, I could alternate lessons where I teach for the entire lesson then on the next one I present the group discussion prompts. I believe this would go a long way into shaping the performance of the students especially the poorly performing ones and the minority ones as well. This can be attributed to the fact that a signific ant number of teachers in the video logs seem to be adopting the same strategies for class management. The Effectiveness of the Observed Academic Language, Metacognition, and Communication Strategies The effectiveness of the academic language, a metacognition as well as communication strategy is evident in the video logs. In general metacognition in learning is evoked through a clear explanation of the lesson objectives, goals and vision; explanation of the purpose for studying that particular lesson, asking questions and listening to feedback as well as assessing what the students have learnt at the end of each lesson. The effectiveness of the academic language can then be measured by the effective communication and use of technical terms without consequent explanation. The teacher can as well explain the technical terms at the beginning of the lessons then encourage their use by assigning students roles on the same topics later on as the lesson continues. Similarly, conventional communication strategies have revolved around both verbal andShow MoreRelatedA) What Are the Most Important Factors That Determine the Learning Experience of School/College Students in Your Subject?1200 Words   |  5 Pagesthe learning experience of the students I have observed, each one with there own degree of effectiveness. Some of these factors include cognitive and conative learning, the material being studied, motivation, classroom management, student to teacher ratio, class discipline, time management, environment and resources available. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Leadership and Tech Final Exam Free Essays

In my business there are 3 types of Leadership levels there is the lead man that’s a technical expert and guides the team through it day to day operations. The there is the first level manager that gives the daily drill down of operations notes and ensures the deliverables are made.. We will write a custom essay sample on Leadership and Tech Final Exam or any similar topic only for you Order Now Then the senior manager who’s task is the developing the budget, travel keeping the organization fresh with the latest each, and constantly keeping a fresh vision of the organization. 64. Describe a data visualization tool and how it is used. Prize is a great data visualization tool it gives you the ability to, 1. Use visual aids to help communicate your point. 2. It helps you compartmentalize your pitch to segmented parts to build upon the chain of information you trying to convey. 3. Prize gives you the ability to use video, pictures , AR etc to help get your point across. 65. Explain the value to leaders, in using dashboards and data visualization tools. Using a dashboard is value added when compiling any type of metrics and project status. It gives the ability to have a home base of the latest data that everyone can have access to from Eng I/E, MR. , Quality, Operations. Many decisions are based on the database daily such as overtime, manpower distribution, and Eng resources. 66. In the book Progress Makers, the author uses platforms to describe a methodology for incremental transformation. Give one example of leadership transformation using this concept. Use your own thoughts and ideas to express your answer. 67. How do you become Mayor of a location? If a user has checked-in to a venue on more days than anyone else in the past 60 days, and the check-ins re valid under foursquare time and distance protocols, they will be crowned mayor. The user must have a profile picture in order to be crowned â€Å"Mayor† of that venue. Someone else may earn the title by checking in more times than the previous mayor. 68. What is the purpose of a â€Å"special† on foursquare? To give the users of foursquare incentives to update data and give them a perks such as coupons for restaurants or apparel shops. Essay 69. (1 0 pits) Describe the difference between leadership in the classic sense and leadership as it relates to the field of technology? Why is it different? The rotational leadership model may include a top down method, which may be antiquated but functional, and gets the job done. The manager will ask the team for certain deliverables and really have no idea of how the deliverable is made and what it takes to get it done. And as long as you have a good team making the deliverables a leader might be able to survive, depending on the strength of his or her team. Technology has changed the nature of classic leadership in some ways, providing some additional challenges. For instance, working in the technology field, a leader must stay current with the latest and greatest technology or his r her group will lose vision and be behind the curve of technology very quickly, rendering them out of date. How to cite Leadership and Tech Final Exam, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Gambling And Crime Rate Essay Example For Students

Gambling And Crime Rate Essay Many factors have influenced the rising crime rate, some being, increasing use of drugs, increasing population, and decreasing morals. America must find ways to decrease the crime rate legally. One question often going hand in hand with decreasing crime rate is would legalized gambling decrease the crime rate? During the late 1980’s and early 1990’s slow economic growth, cuts in federal funding, and growing public needs forced state and local governments to seek additional sources of revenue. Most states turned to lotteries, horse and dog racing, and most recently a growing number of states have resorted to casino gambling as a painless way to raise money. Case studies show that legal casino gaming can increase tourism, employment, sales of noncasino goods, and tax revenues (Cabot 1). For example, The New Jersey Casino Control Act of 1977 states legalized casino gambling has been approved by the citizens of New Jersey as a unique tool of urban redevelopment for Atlantic City (Thompson 144). Legalized gambling provides a major new source of revenue for the state (Kurk 1). Even though 48 states have some form of legalized gambling such as lotteries, horse racing, casinos, riverboat and Indian casinos, casino gambling still remains illegal in most states (NCALG 2). Casino gambling, which was once limited to two states, is now legal in twenty-one states. Some states are Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, and South Dakota. Over time we have seen a change in the gambling market. At one time, only Bingo parlors could be found on Native American reservations. Today almost one hundred casinos are operating in twenty-one states (Begun, Siegal, and Jacobs 29). There are five types of legal gambling in the United States: bingo, lotteries, pari-mutual betting, off track betting and casinos. Bingo is the most common form of legalized gambling; forty-six states participate in legal Bingo. Forty-three states permit thoroughbred horse racing, Lotteries are allowed in thirty-seven states, and only twenty-one states permit casino gambling (Begun et al. 27). Illegal gambling like legal gambling is deeply rooted into American Society. Despite innumerable federal and state laws, illegal gambling still remains a part of American life. The four principal forms of illegal gambling are numbers, horse books, sports books, and sports cards. The numbers game is a sideline game of the lotteries. Originally, lotteries were used to raise money for civic or charitable causes, while numbers was played to earn money for the Lottery Company. It is commonly believed that the â€Å"numbers’ game gave rise to gambling syndicates ( 132). Betting on horses or Horse books is run by a â€Å"bookie†. The racetrack-licensed bookies to accept bets at the tracks, for that privilege, bookies paid the racetrack operators a daily fee, usually around $100 a day. The most popular form of illegal gambling is gambling on sporting events (133). There are four states that allow betting on sports, these are Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, and Oregon (PBS 1). S ome estimate that professional football alone attracts $50 billion in wages per season (Begun et al. 133). Sports cards are very popular for the $1 to $10 sports bettor. Sports cards are also run by a â€Å"bookie†. A bettor selects a team that he or she thinks will win and tears off a card stub and submits the cards before the start of the game (134). There has been an increase in the use of loopholes in the government, an example of this would be gambling on cruise ships. In 1992, Congress was forced to approve a general maritime law (PL-102-251). This law permitted gambling on American registered cruise ships once they were more than 3 miles offshore, on international voyages. This law possessed one flaw. Out of over 100 American docked ships, only 2 percent were American registered. These foreign registered ships were also operating casinos offshore. This forced California to pass a new law, only months later. This law (AB3769) banned gambling on foreign registered ships (Begun et. al 13). Our Town EssayAnother problem associated with legalized gambling is the increasing bankruptcy rate. Nevada had the fourth highest bankruptcy in the nation in 1996. Mississippi, the state with the second highest level of gambling, ranked fifth in the nation in per-capita bankruptcy filings (NCALG 2). Although bankruptcy may be a problem, for some it has proved to be a solution. Sociologist, John Rosecrance feels that losing huge amounts was the chief reason to quit gambling (Begun et. al 91). The best cure for a gambler would be abstinence (Thompson 75). However, most states may find that some form of low stakes, no â€Å"glitz† gambling will both satisfy their citizens unstimulated demand for gambling and also provide an environment where the state can regulate the industry to minimize the incidence of problem gambling (Cabot 10). Governments are shifting from their role of gambling regulator to that of a gambling promoter (Goodman 1). Many reasons have contributed to the changing position of state and local governments, such as having seen major increase in social problems like drugs, homelessness, crime and unemployment. Also having had to deal with downsizing by major private firms, having had to bear the brunt of reduced federal aid for their budgets (2), contribute towards changing attitudes. With the nation’s apparently increasing tolerance for once-prohibited activities, coupled with a growing need for state and local revenues, the lure of gambling revenue has prompted most states to reconsider and usually change their gambling policies (Begun et. al 7). While some state and local government officials oppose legalized gambling, some benefit from the revenues. For example, more than $200,000 in gambling revenue, was contributed to Bob Dole’s presidential campaign, President Clinton also rec eived $60,000 in gambling revenue (22). If we remember correctly, an argument made by the NCALG was that gambling corrupts government. However, by the looks of the figures, in my opinion gambling helps the government operate. The controversy over American casinos comes down to a narrow argument concerning cost benefit criteria between the proponents, who cite increased tax revenues and jobs, and opponents, who claim devastating social problems if casinos are legalized (Cabot 6). Those who would outlaw gambling because some people become chronic gamblers are like those who would prohibit alcohol because some people become problem drinkers. The analogy between alcohol and gambling is relevant: Prohibition simply did not work. People will gamble even if it is illegal, just as they will violate other unreasonable curbs on harmless pleasures. Philosophy Essays