Thursday, September 3, 2020

Native Title Law Reform Australia Essay

Mabo and others v State of Queensland (No.2 (1992) HCA 23, is seemingly one of the most acclaimed local title claims in Australian history. This case was the first in Australian history to effectively upset Terra Nullius and basically prompted the formation of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (‘The Act’). Land nullius implies land having a place with nobody or land that has never been dependent upon power of any state and is a piece of International Law. Most of Indigenous People see land nullius in an adverse manner, as this term had been utilized as a methods for defending attack or takeovers of conventional land. The aftereffect of land â€nullius on ATSI (Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders) implied that they have endured innumerable wrong doings and foul play towards them. ATSI were not seen as authentic Australian residents as indicated by the law until 1967. This implied the law offered no insurance of essential human rights or land rights bringing about huge misfortunes of profoundly huge land. The primary case to make legitimate move over land rights was the 1971 Gove land rights case. The Yolngu individuals made legitimate move against Nabalco Mining Company in the Northern domain Supreme Court. The Yolngu individuals guaranteed that Nabalco Mining were illicitly mining on their property (the Gove promontory) without endorsement. Anyway various set backs were experienced, for example, land nullius not considering local title and the Doctrine of Reception which adequately sketched out that once a nation (for this situation Britain) has a colonized an area, that country’s law currently consequently applies, overruling any past laws that were once set up. For the Yolngu individuals this shockingly implied their case was dismissed in 1971 (by J ustice Blackburn) as the Australian lawful framework didn't need to submit to Native Yolngu land laws. This brought about additional social gap between the Indigenous standard law and the English lawful framework. â€Å"Native title is the privilege of Indigenous individuals to their customary land.†(Cambridge Legal Studies, primer, pg 98). The English lawful framework had a totally different methodology when it came to property rights, Aboriginal Peoples separated land as per the measure of room expected to accommodate countless individuals in agreement to how much food there was accessible around there, for instance tribes living close to beach front regionsâ need far less space to discover food than a family living in the outback as food there is rare, this is the manner by which land was partitioned. Were rather than the English framework we see singular property rights Eddie Mabos deep rooted fight for social, human and land rights for the Torres Straight People is a splendid one despite everything recalled today as the main fruitful case of Native Title and the first toppling of land nullius. The Doctrine of gathering made the test of demonstrating customary possession considerably progressively troublesome not at all like past cases, for example, the 1971 Gove land rights case. Murray Island was diverse Murray Island had unmistakable outskirts; it additionally had a legendary God called Malo (articulated Mare). Malo is the wellspring of Meriam legacy and culture. Malo can be viewed as a type of Common Native Law. Land possession, obligations; strict convictions and ceremonial moves were totally secured inside Malo law giving the basis of an emotional argument against the territory of Queensland. Malo has existed for whatever length of time that the Island and its Native People and was along these lines a substantial bit of proof in both Mabo cases. Eddie Mabo had the option to demonstrate that land was passed down from father to child, age to age because of Malos law and ancestral moves. â€Å"Malo, or Bomai, which is his mystery and increasingly holy name, built up the laws which declared that factions must keep to their own ways, ‘swim with their own kind’, sow their territories and preserve the oceans. †From Malo †Bomai theme in Mabo †The Native Title Revolution. The full of feeling rule for accomplishing equity includes various components each being reliant of each other and just when utilized all in all can are they of any great effect. While surveying the adequacy of Native Title Law Reform reasonableness, fairness, access and proficiency should be thought of. As decency has been an enormous issues of worry for Aboriginal People in the Past, Civil debates including Aboriginal land rights positively asks the inquiries of who is to blame? When making lawful move for Native Title guarantees the offended party must demonstrate that they possessed the land already and are in this manner qualified for guarantee it. Weight of confirmation has not been reasonable in this circumstance as the Traditional Land was not gotten legally however was taken from underneath them without an any reason to be taken seriously. Along these lines if this framework were to be reasonable than it ought to be up to the ownersâ of the land to demonstrate they stopped by the land in concurrence with Traditional Indigenous Owners. The subsequent issue is uniformity. Uniformity is hard to accomplish as the law can prompt shamefulness if everybody is dealt with the equivalent. Impeded individuals may incorporate, Indigenous and Torres Straight Islanders, youthful, financially hindered and the older, the equivalent might be applied to get to. Lastly productivity, effectiveness implies weighing up the expense of accomplishing an objective for instance money related cost, time, and HR all include and if the expense exceeds the outcome than that now and again can be viewed as a negative outcome. Taking everything into account steps to fixing past harm and bad form delivered upon the Aboriginal And Torres Straight Islander People are advancing yet it is still incredibly hard for ATSI individuals to guarantee any remuneration because of enormous drawbacks in all parts of the law. Assets are expensive and access can be hard for certain individuals in their circumstance thusly they are as yet being placed second best according to the law and Justice has not been accomplished for the ATSI individuals implying that albeit Native Title Law Reform is a positive development we despite everything have an exceptionally long approach before obvious fairness is reached. Reference list: AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER, 2008 The local title transformation, Australian Government, Canberra, got to 11 May 2014, . Native and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Social Justice Reports, 1994-2009 Native Title Reports, 1994-2009 High Court of Australia †The Wik Peoples v The State of Queensland and Ors; The Thayorre People v The State of Queensland and Ors [1996] HCA 40 (23 December 1996) Mabo †Native Title transformation 2000, Film Australia, Pdf, got to 11 May 2014, . Social Justice and Human Rights Issues: The Global Perspective, 2010 Charles Sturt University, got to 11 May 2014, . National Native title Tribunal, 2013 Australian Government, got to 8 May 2014, . The High Court Recognition of Native Title †The Mabo Judgment and Its Implications, 2012 Treaty Republic, got to 9 May 2014, .

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Deregulation Of The Airline Industry :: essays research papers

Deregulation of the Airline Industry The carrier business has been subject of extreme value rivalry since it was deregulated, and the outcome has been various new transporters which have some expertise in territorial help and no nonsense tasks. These transporters normally buy more seasoned airplane and regularly work outside the business wide mechanized reservations framework. In return for these bothers, travelers get low charges comparative with the business in general. This examination looks at two low admission air transporters, ValuJet and Southwest Airlines. By examining these air transporters, we can more readily comprehend the monetary effects of cost versus administration in the carrier business in general, just as, the impacts on traveler and financial specialist certainty. Until 1978, air transport rates were endorsed by the administration, which implied that cost was not an essential serious factor. Rather, aircrafts would contend on administration and picture. The aircraft business was commanded by mammoths (American, United, TWA) which offered across the country and some global assistance, furthermore, by territorial bearers, for example, Southwest, which offered short outings between air terminals not served by the nationals. Â Â Â Â Â Deregulation of the aircraft business achieved in 1978 presented a circumstance in which the national and territorial bearers were out of nowhere ready to contend in a situation that took after a free market. Rate plans were lifted, value fixing was wiped out and course the executives was expelled. The principle factors that influenced whether an aircraft could serve a specific city was regardless of whether that city had enough entryways for the new transporter, and whether the bearer had the option to stand to buy them. Organizations, for example, Southwest perceived potential for low charges, and started fabricating a specialty for themselves by offering low charges with identical low degrees of administration. Southwest's prosperity offered ascend to another age of low passage carriers, with ValuJet entering the advertise in the mid 1990's. Shockingly, ValuJet endured a string of mishaps which brought the eventual fate of this air bearer into question. ValuJet is a low-evaluated aircraft that offers economical tickets for provincial travel. Situated in Atlanta, the aircraft serves the Southeastern United States and contends with Continental Airlines just as with other little local transporters. It serves 31 urban areas fundamentally in the southeastern United States. The carrier started its administration with trips to Tampa and Orlando from Atlanta in 1993. The no nonsense methodology paid off for the youngster carrier, which posted half again the same number of income traveler miles in April 1996 as it did in April 1995. In any case, the organization declared that it was easing back the development of its administrations, willfully, while it posted this noteworthy income mark (Cole and Pasztor, 1996, p. Deregulation Of The Airline Industry :: expositions investigate papers Deregulation of the Airline Industry The aircraft business has been subject of serious value rivalry since it was deregulated, and the outcome has been various new transporters which spend significant time in provincial help and nitty gritty tasks. These transporters regularly buy more established airplane and frequently work outside the business wide modernized reservations framework. In return for these bothers, travelers get low passages comparative with the business overall. This examination looks at two low admission air transporters, ValuJet and Southwest Airlines. By exploring these air transporters, we can all the more likely comprehend the monetary effects of cost versus administration in the carrier business in general, just as, the impacts on traveler and financial specialist certainty. Until 1978, air transport rates were affirmed by the administration, which implied that cost was not an essential serious factor. Rather, aircrafts would contend on administration and picture. The aircraft business was ruled by mammoths (American, United, TWA) which offered across the nation and some universal help, also, by provincial transporters, for example, Southwest, which offered short outings between air terminals not served by the nationals. Â Â Â Â Â Deregulation of the carrier business achieved in 1978 presented a circumstance in which the national and local transporters were unexpectedly ready to contend in a domain that looked like a free market. Rate plans were lifted, value fixing was disposed of and course the executives was evacuated. The fundamental factors that influenced whether a carrier could serve a specific city was regardless of whether that city had enough doors for the new bearer, and whether the bearer had the option to stand to buy them. Organizations, for example, Southwest perceived potential for low passages, and started assembling a specialty for themselves by offering low passages with proportionate low degrees of administration. Southwest's prosperity offered ascend to another age of low admission aircrafts, with ValuJet entering the showcase in the mid 1990's. Lamentably, ValuJet endured a string of mishaps which brought the fate of this air transporter into question. ValuJet is a low-evaluated aircraft that offers modest tickets for provincial travel. Situated in Atlanta, the carrier serves the Southeastern United States and contends with Continental Airlines just as with other little provincial bearers. It serves 31 urban communities principally in the southeastern United States. The carrier started its administration with trips to Tampa and Orlando from Atlanta in 1993. The no nonsense procedure paid off for the juvenile aircraft, which posted half again the same number of income traveler miles in April 1996 as it did in April 1995. In any case, the organization reported that it was easing back the extension of its administrations, deliberately, while it posted this great income mark (Cole and Pasztor, 1996, p.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Traits of a Good leader free essay sample

Today we live in an advanced reality where change is the main consistent. We are encircled by vulnerability in our day by day lives, regardless of whether it is close to home or expert. Understand that a pioneer must be happy with managing vulnerability and change. First it is essential to comprehend who a pioneer is. At the most fundamental level, a pioneer is somebody who aides or leads others. In more detail, a pioneer is a tough person who has a dream or a reason. The person in question likewise has what it takes and commitment required to oversee this vision, directing others to have faith in this vision and executing the arrangement with the goal that the ideal outcome is accomplished. The creators of Leading the Way see seven edges or perspectives that make an effective pioneer. In the event that these seven squares are thought of and improved, one makes certain to be an increasingly viable pioneer. As indicated by Leading the Way, the two essential establishments of authority are independence and understanding. It is fundamental to comprehend these before one can prevail at being a pioneer. Independence is ones individual personality. Who you truly are, a big motivator for you, that is distinction. With regards to pioneers, one who shows a solid independence be acting naturally or herself is an incredible character who will be looked upto. Uniqueness implies bringing ones individual encounters, qualities and convictions to the table (Leading the Way. 40). It is useful for a pioneer to have their remarkable style and to follow the qualities the individual in question puts stock in. Individual experience is perhaps the best quality of distinction. Each individual has his or abundance of one of a kind encounters. At the point when a pioneer is glad for their independence and showcases it straightforwardly the person in question makes certain to be increasingly powerful. I am attempting to execute this is my own day by day life by dismembering my own qualities and attempting to perceive what makes me interesting. I have discovered that I am an extremely open individual, direct and genuinely expressive. I let my feelings manage me. This is the kind of person I am as an individual and has had an enormous influence in my prosperity just as disappointments. Being genuinely expressive at work has helped my group comprehend my enthusiasm for my work that I love what I do and that has incredibly profited me. It negatively affects my connections, so I am taking a shot at controlling my feelings to lessen passionate upheavals. I am a firm accept that it is in every case better to act naturally regardless. Ralph Waldo Emerson sums up along these lines idea of independence perfectly as this statement: â€Å"To act naturally in a world that is continually attempting to make you something different is the best accomplishment†. The second establishment that is imperative for a decent pioneer is Insight. To the layman, knowledge may basic mean comprehension, or reconsidering and afterward understanding. Leigh and Maynard separate this into three sections mindfulness, getting others, and seeing what is happening. So as to be wise, one must know about oneself. Realizing your qualities just as your defects, seeing yourself and understanding who you truly are is knowledge. A decent pioneer is one who is totally mindful of oneself, the positives and negatives. So as to be shrewd, one should likewise comprehend others. For what reason would others say others are how they are? What are their qualities, shortcomings? Truly understanding others is an intense aptitude to ace, yet on the off chance that a pioneer attempts to comprehend his collaborators he will be progressively loved just as a considerably more remarkable pioneer. A sagacious pioneer is likewise one who knows about his environmental factors and looking, yet â€Å"seeing† what's going on around the person in question. I am attempting to fuse this in my day by day life by scrutinizing my own decisions. I’m attempting to comprehend why I do certain things, why I settle on specific choices. Plunking down and pondering my own qualities, and the reasons why these are imperative to me has made me acquire knowledge into my own life. For instance, I locate that a worth that is indispensable to me is trust. At the point when I attempted to comprehend why its so significant and my main worth, I have understood that being let down seeing someone has made me structure trust issues. I am additionally investing more energy to comprehend and acknowledge others. Doing this is really helping me fortify associations with friends and family. The following significant administration capacity that Leigh and Maynard talk about is â€Å"initiate†. Being activity implies being proactive or activity arranged. To start something is to begin something or venture out start something. This is an essential quality that a decent pioneer must have. To step up the correct way, one must place in a decent arrangement of time and exertion into inquiring about the material, framing an approach to move toward it. Facing the necessary challenges to start something new, have the assurance to finish it. A decent pioneer is a daring individual, however the individual is additionally prepared to assume liability for their activities. A decent pioneer is happy to be considered responsible for both disappointment just as progress. The pioneer regularly should be the one inciting the assignment. The person in question bears the significant hazard and ought to be prepared to be responsible for it. Authority is a ground-breaking position, and as popular individuals have said â€Å"with incredible force comes extraordinary responsibility†, this involves a pioneers job as well. In my regular day to day existence, I am attempting to show more drive by taking on new assignments, and finishing what I start. In some cases a serious mix-up I make is delaying. These days I am attempting to start and finish my errands. To take on new things, the outcomes I am getting are a tremendous lift in my certainty. My associate is likewise intrigued that I am completing a lot more and asked me what my mystery is! I have consistently been prepared to confront the aftereffects of my moves; so assuming liability comes to me normally. The fourth apparatus that a decent pioneer ought to have is the capacity to connect with and include everybody to accomplish the vision. An equivalent word for include is to incorporate. A decent pioneer is a person who connects with his group, by enabling people. The pioneer causes the people to feel esteemed and significant. He engages the people through projects to build up their abilities and through instructing and coaching. The pioneer likewise gets steady input about oneself from individuals and improves his ways dependent on the analysis. At the point when individuals feel significant and included, at that point they are progressively propelled to convey the best outcomes. A decent pioneer will chip away at drawing in his workers. To join this progression into my day by day life, I am attempting to get more thoughts from individuals. Regardless of whether it was a group venture I had for financial aspects a week ago where I was the group head, I approached everybody for their thoughts and we as a whole cooperated as a group. Regarding and assembling the assessments of others makes them progressively included and excited without a doubt, however it additionally realizes inventiveness and positive vitality to the errand. Motivation. It actually intends to be propelled or moved genuinely to be imaginative and complete a beneficial undertaking. A decent pioneer is one who moves individuals. A rousing head is one who takes advantage of what truly is their own inspiration and energy. The individual in question is enthusiastic and expressive. The pioneer ought to have a reasonable overwhelming vision, and have the option to discuss this sincerely. This vision ought to be something that contacts individuals. Individuals ought to have faith in this vision and discover the pioneer is veritable and energetic. Correspondence is likewise an essential key to be motivating. A decent pioneer will have viable approaches to convey the vision and really propel individuals to put stock in it and follow up on it. In my life, I am taking advantage of what own motivation is. I discover incredible wellsprings of motivation from statements and examples of overcoming adversity. I have begun keeping a diary of these moving musings and take a gander at them when I need a push or inspiration. â€Å"A great pioneer moves others with trust in him; an incredible pioneer motivates them with trust in themselves †-Anonymous. The 6th aptitude that a pioneer ought to have is the capacity to ad lib. Ad libbing implies having the option to adjust. In an unsure world, a pioneer ought to have the option to confront changes head on and adjust to them. To make things and circumstance work by trading off and ad libbing. A decent pioneer should be adaptable, as nothing is written in stone. In changing difficult circumstances a pioneer must be adaptable and discover an answer with the accessible assets. A pioneer must be imaginative and inventive, to make things work en route. At the point when stuck in a difficult circumstance the pioneers capacity to be imaginative and empowering will characterize the accomplishment of the association. In my day by day life I find extemporizing troublesome. At the point when stayed with vulnerability, I am more centered around the issue than finding an answer. I will probably attempt to ad lib and take a shot at discovering arrangements. A week ago grinding away I needed to document a report before the day's over and my associate phoned in wiped out. Typically I would have been animated and centered around how intense it is achieve this undertaking alone. I attempted to ad lib by completing all the documentation at work and afterward recording the report once I was home so I could have it prepared the following day. The seventh key to being an effective pioneer is the capacity to execute plans. Usage actually implies placing energetically. So as to execute, one must be activity disapproved with a can-do demeanor. An arrangement must be shaped and the pioneer must finish it tirelessness and commitment. Input is a significant part of executing and a pioneer ought to energize and give supportive criticism. The pioneer should likewise follow the advancement of the undertaking and ensure that it is going smooth. Don’t stress that individuals don’t hear you out, yet stress that they watch you. A pioneer should show the model conduct that the person gets from workers. The capacity to execute and finish is the best way to ens

Monday, June 8, 2020

Specialized Healthcare Services Mental Illness And The Justice System - 275 Words

Specialized Healthcare Services: Mental Illness And The Justice System (Essay Sample) Content: Mental Illness and the Justice System Name Institutional Affiliation Mental Illness and the Justice System The correctional arm of the criminal justice system has to ensure that people serving time receive standards of health care that are accorded to the rest of the society. A good proportionate of the prisoners suffer from a myriad of mental illnesses thereby calling for specialized healthcare services. This need for such services has worsened the costs that the National Health Services department has to incur to offer specialized treatment in prisons. The large number of prisoners needing mental illness treatment is high making it impossible for the criminal justice system to guarantee that these persons will receive quality and effective treatments. There is also an issue with movements of the prison population through inter-prison transfers thus the patients affected by this movement have their treatment disrupted. Correctional facilities also lack a way of connecting the mentally ill prisoners who are coming out of the system with care programmes that will ensure that they continue to receive help even after they are free. This has seen a high probability for ex-convicts to commit suicide compared to people in the general community remain higher. Consequently, correctional facilities continue to receive criticism for not making a positive impact on people despite the financial costs it attracts from the tax-payer. The media and the general public believe that there is a strong connection between crimes and mental illness. This belief is based on the notion that mentally ill persons may be irrational thinkers and actors which predisposes them to the possibility of committing a crime. Possibility of committing a crime for a mentally ill person is high due to their genes as well as patterns of cognitive abilities. The media and...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Business Plan--Skating Rink - 3964 Words

Marketing and internet management | A Business Plan | AG Spot Skating Rink | | | 8/4/2010 | The purpose of this skating rink is to provide Orangeburg, SC with an entertainment facility for the youth. It will offer a family atmosphere and a high quality surround sound system. It will also offer group and special party rates. | Business Plan for AG Spot Skating Rink Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 3 2. Identity 4 3. Company Mission, Scope and Goals 4 4. Situation Analysis 5 a. Assumptions 5 b. Company Resources 6 c. Market Forecast 6 d. Sales, Expense and Profit Forecasts 7 e. Current and New Opportunities 8 5. Marketing Objectives 8 6.†¦show more content†¦As the business grows, additional part-time or full-time employees may be added to handle the increased workload. MANAGEMENT AND OWNERSHIP The company will be set up as a corporation with AG as the major owner. AG will serve as the CEO that will be active in the day to day operations of the arena. Alex served in the United States Air Force for 12 years with extensive knowledge of Information Management, customer service and business administration. She will provide the leadership to run this company. At least nine other employees will be needed. These employees will be a combination of part-time and full-time involved in security and serving customers. If and when more customers attend, additional part-time or full-time employees will be hired as the workload requires. J.A White amp; Associates, Inc. will provide help in additional areas such as getting the books in order and general business when necessary. An accountant and an attorney will be retained along with those of a qualified insurance agent. MISSION, SCOPE, AND GOALS It is the mission of AG Spot Skating Rink to provide customers (children and adults) with an open skating rink that can be used for public skating, parties and dancing. My company is committed to responsible fiscal and business management practices. 1. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Necessary Lie in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay

The Necessary Lie in Heart of Darkness In his narrative, Marlow declares, You know I hate, detest, and cant bear a lie, not because I am straighter than the rest of us, but simply because it appalls me. There is a taint of death, a flavour of mortality in lies, - which is exactly what I hate and detest in the world - what I want to forget (Longman 2210). In spite of these strong words, he lies to Kurtzs Intended when he visits her and tells her, The last word he pronounced was - your name (Longman 2246). Marlows words, spoken in Part I to the audience, seem to contradict his words spoken in Part III to the Intended. Upon closer examination however, it is clear that it was keeping to his beliefs that caused Marlow to lie to†¦show more content†¦Some confounded fact we men have been living contentedly with ever since the day of creation would start up and knock the whole thing over (Longman 2199). It is clear from this statement that Marlow believes women simply cannot handle the cold hard reality of the world. Men , however, are well aware of these realities and therefore must protect women from the truth so as not to shatter the beauty of a womans world. This is by todays standards silly and chauvinistic, but at the time it was a kind and chivalrous thought. Although Marlow was making direct reference to his Aunt in this passage, he does not limit the thought to his Aunt only, but uses the term women, which encompasses all women. He carries this kind and chivalrous thought with him when he visits Kurtzs Intended, and with it in mind cannot bring himself to shatter her beautiful fantasy world by telling her the truth of Kurtzs last words. In his own declaration Marlow claims there is a taint of death in lies. If he had been completely truthful with the Intended and told her Kurtzs actual last words, The horror, the horror (Longman 2240), he would have given her more than a taint of death. He would have shared with her some of the mental images his imagination had spawned since he heard those final words. He would have given her a flavour of mortality, which he claims to hate and detest in the world. Hate and detest are very powerful words which wouldShow MoreRelated The Role of Kurtz’s Intended in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness1580 Words   |  7 PagesIntended in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness Very often in literature minor characters appear for only a short time in the story but carry a very heavy significance in the overall meaning of the book. Kurtz’s Intended, in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, is this kind of character. The unnamed woman only appears for a brief period at the end of the novel, but Conrad includes her for three very crucial reasons. 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(Conrad) Are the first words spoken aloud by Marlow in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. Marlow goes on the say that he was thinking about the Roman conquerors who came to England 1900 years ago. This comparison that Marlow divulges into in the beginnings of his story frames this story and what it intends to cover in its subject matter. Marlow begins here his only overt characterization of imperialism.Read More lighthod Light and Dark in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness2308 Words   |  10 PagesLight and Dark in Heart of Darkness      Ã‚  Ã‚     Joseph Conrads repeated use of darkness in his novel Heart of Darkness has been widely interpreted. Readers have arrived at many different conclusions about the use of darkness throughout the novel. The critics themselves cannot agree what the darkness means.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The critics draw different conclusions about the use of darkness. For some critics, the use of darkness is seen as an intentional literary device. For example, Gary Adelman and MichaelRead More A White Lie in the Heart of Darkness Essay examples1277 Words   |  6 PagesA White Lie in the Heart of Darkness â€Å"He cried in a whisper at some image, at some vision, – he cried out twice, a cry that was no more than a breath – ‘The horror! The horror!’† (Conrad, Heart of Darkness, pg112)1. After returning to Brussels, Marlow pays a visit to Kurtz’ intended and brings these final words of Kurtz with him. When asked to reveal Kurtz’ last declaration, Marlow offers this: â€Å"‘The last word he pronounced was – your name.’† (Heart, pg123). He lies. Read MoreAnalysis Of Joseph Conrad s Heart Of Darkness1555 Words   |  7 PagesAlthough the author Joseph Conrad never met the German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, who died more than a century before Conrad’s birth, their distinct philosophies still have numerous points of intersection, suggesting some fundamental truths within the structure of the human reality. Through the novella, Heart of Darkness, Conrad details his perspectives on the faults of man and reality as a whole, with views often coinciding with many of Leibniz’s own, as found in his numerous philosophicalRead MoreIs Joseph Conrad a Racist and Does His Work Portray It? Essay3298 Words   |  14 Pages In his famous critical essay, â€Å"An Image of Africa† (1975), Chinua Achebe takes a strong stance against Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. He asserts that Conrad was a racist and his novella is a product of his racism. A following quote that is good to show Achebe opinion for Conrad is: The point of my observations should be quite clear by now, namely that Joseph Conrad was a thoroughgoing racist. That this simple truth is glossed over in criticisms of his work is due to the fact that whiteRead MoreA Critical Analysis of Homi K. Bhabhas How Newness Enters The World: Postmodern space, postcolonial times and the trials of cultural translation1610 Words   |  7 Pagescontent of cultural tradition is being overwhelmed, or alienated, in the act of translation. (225) In essence, Bhabha is arguing that the very act of inhabiting the liminal space — whether by Rushdie or his characters — is blasphemy. However, it is necessary to consider that critics like Timothy Brennan claim that Rushdie ... is not abroad at all. Politically and professionally he is at home.(Wars 65) Brennan adds that Rushdies knowledge of Islam is limited to some childhood experiences and a course

Smartphone and Tablets Development †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Smartphone and Tablets Development. Answer: Introduction Blackberry is a multinational company based in Canada that specializes in the internet of things and enterprise software. Formerly the group was identified as Research in Motion (RIM). The Company was well known to the public for smartphone and tablets development branded as Blackberry. Under the management of chief executive officer John S Chen, the company transitioned to production of enterprise software and services (, 2017). The product under enterprise software is used by business owners globally. Some of its softwares include, blackberry UEM, QNX real-time operating systems and AtHoc crisis communication platform. When John S Chen took over the company, he had a different strategy for the company which included concentrating on software technology and contract out manufacturing to Foxconn. Currently, the business model strategy involves coming up with authorizing partnership with device producer such a TCL Communication and amalgamating Blackberry software coll ection. Over the years the company had a different achievement that comprises of: It was the first developer to come up with wireless was the first company outside Scandinavia to develop Mobitex wireless products connectivity. The company introduced its first Mobitex protocol converter. In September 2011, the company suffered a massive outage, affecting many of its consumers. The sluggish growth pressed the company to adopt a strategy that laid off 2000 of its employees in 2011.The outage happened during that time that Apple was preparing to for its iPhone 4S launch, this triggered qualms of mass defection from the policy. By October 2011, the RIM uncovered, prospect blackberry smartphone new platform that would be based on similar QNX as a play book (Editorial, 2017). The platform was renamed blackberry after the RIM had been accused of brand breach regarding name BBX. Blackberry has placed more emphasis on its complete strategic refurbishment. First, the company is targeting the niche market as opposed to its previous focus on mass customer market. The company has presented long track record in the high competency of its security systems and skills. The company is shifting its focus to targeting enterprise and enterprise facility as opposed to safeguarding its spo t in a competitive and saturated smartphone market. With regards to this market perspective, Blackberry services and products are valued and well differentiated from competitors brands. When blackberry released blackberry enterprise service 12, it was enough evidence of the strategic shift taken by the company (, 2017). The product is software that allows mobility management to manage the mobile devices securely. Strategic direction promises the company good return for the various reasons. First, the original success of blackberry was built on its relevance and security within a business context. Secondly, with security becoming a major issue of concern recently, with the growth of data connectivity, it becomes harder to ignore security measure to curb cyber-attacks. However, the market being very competitive, blackberry requires to identify trends, adapt quickly and innovate ways it can meet the consumer demand, for it to maintain a competitive advantage, Blackberry operates in an industry that covers a broader number of sectors that is technology industry. Technology industry relates to the company that provides communication services to the consumers. Computer service and enterprise resource planning, computer hardware and software, internet and telecommunication have impacted ion people lives either on the positive or the negative (Anon, 2017).These industries are the backbone of the technology industry. Blackberry operates in communication tools industry. The industry caters to consumers demand in services and electronic apparatuses to enhance communication. The products range from the mobile handset to telephone network infrastructure .these products may operate through wired connections or in wireless connection to the public communication network. Blackberry holds a market share of 5% (Moorman). The company has highly secure phone that is its main strength. This has enabled the company to be on the competitive edge. The company has a mobile phone that offers highly encrypted secured network that has provided a secure plat for communication without fear of cyber-attacks. Secondly, the company strength has been its focus on the small consumer segment (Jurevicius, 2017). Contrasting its competitors the company has placed its emphasis on the narrow consumer segment. This approach is to ensure that the demands of the customer are met. The company has reduced marketing strategies of its products. Before the lunch of Apple product iPhone 4S, Blackberry had its brand in the market performing well with a more significant market share. However, the company was overtaken by its competitors due to its reluctance in the marketing of its name. Secondly, playbook tablet launch was not well received in the market, and it only had a smaller market share which made the company go through loss. This decreased blackberry chances to compete with its competitors Apple or Samsung who received the more significant income and profit growth due to tablet increase sales and demand (Jurevicius, 2017). The blackberry can seize the opportunity for growth in mobile advertising. With the increase in cloud-based service demand; The Company can benefit from the growing demand for expansion of its services that are cloud-based. The company has a lot of risks to keep a close watch. First, the rapid change in technology is posing a significant threat to the technology world. The company is inconsistent production of the new product that will keep up with the competition. This becomes a significant challenge when the company wants to introduce a new product that is innovative and successful. Second threat is the saturation of the smartphone market in the developed countries. This has led to slow growth. Due to this factor, the blackberry has not been able to expand its market share in Canada and the increased competition on contracts offered by the government. Government goes through a process of contract renewal after few years; Blackberry has to compete with its competitors Samsung and Apple for government contract renewal (Jurevicius, 2017). A detailed description of cost and benefit of blackberry device is discussed as follow. To begin with a price: The cost of deploying a blackberry enterprise server is costly. Ranging from 75% to 59% of value is because of the data expense and voice expenses. Corporate liability policies drive this cost for smartphones. While some organization allows their staff to ask for a refund from the organization if they incur these charges, others only pay a certain percentage. An organization enjoys a lot of benefits on blackberry deployment in the organization. These benefits have been classified into: blackberry devices, allows employees to be more efficient and effective in their work an organization evolve through the deployment of blackberry initiative across a range of employees, and chose an implementation that is more integrative, additional efficiency is obtained in some processes of the workflow. Costs: Benefits: New computer equipment: Cost each: Totals: Per year Totals: 10 network-ready PCs with supporting software $2,450 24500 Tripling of mail shot capacity - estimate: $40,000 40000 1 server $3,500 3500 Ability to sustain telesales campaigns: estimate $20,000 20000 3 printers $1,200 3600 Improved efficiency and reliability of follow-up: estimate $50,000 50000 Cabling Installation $4,600 4600 Improved customer service and retention: estimate $30,000 30000 Sales Support Software $15,000 15000 Improved accuracy of customer information: estimate $10,000 10000 More ability to manage sales effort $30,000 30000 Training costs: Each: Totals: Computer introduction 8 people $400 3200 Keyboard skills 8 people $400 3200 Sales Support System 12 people $700 8400 Other costs: Lost time: 40 man days $200 / day Lost sales through disruption - estimate: $20,000 Lost sales through inefficiency during first months estimate $20,000 Total Benefit per year 280000 Total Costs: $106000 Calculate the payback time: 280000/106000 =2.6 YRS Based on an article in the linked professional network blackberry failure can be traced to its adoption of the wrong business model to be measured. The company core business was not what the market share assumed. Blackberry has lost its market share to its competitors due to some reasons. First, the company management had a lot of ignorance and pride. Pride is a hindrance to the growth of any business. Ignorance of consumers changing needs and complains will quickly shift their attention to competitors. Secondly, blackberry was reluctant on innovation. In the technology industry, innovation should not stop. These provide a loophole that was filled by its competitors Apple and Samsung through continuous innovation. Thirdly the company lacked proper marketing strategy for its products. It is an advertisement that consumers are made aware of the company products. Lastly, the company was overconfident about its outcome. Overconfidence is a threat to any business since it can bring defeat from its competitor who is continually working their win. References Anon, (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Nov. 2017]. Anon, (2017). [online] Available at: RIM (Blackberry) Provides 9 Lessons in best turnaround strategies [Accessed 15 Nov. 2017]. Anon, (2017). [online] Available at: RIM changes name to BlackBerry as BB10 launches - Toronto - CBC News [Accessed 15 Nov. 2017]. Editorial, R. (2017). ${Instrument_CompanyName} ${Instrument_Ric} Company Profile | [online] U.S. Available at: [Accessed 15 Nov. 2017]. (2017). BlackBerry Limited. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Nov. 2017]. (2017). Forbes Welcome. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Nov. 2017]. (2017). Research Guides: Company Profiles A-C: BlackBerry. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Nov. 2017]. Jurevicius, O. (2017). BlackBerry SWOT analysis 2013. [online] Strategic Management Insight. Available at: [Accessed 15 Nov. 2017]. Moorman, James. "BlackBerry: Current Environment." Standards Poors. N.p., 18 Oct 2012. eb.